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读心人 第四季

类型:欧美剧 地区:加拿大 年份:2013 

私人影视《读心人 第四季》全集未删减完整版播放介绍


主演:克莱格·欧勒尼克 劳伦·李·史密斯 彼得·斯戴宾斯 乔纳森·沃顿 

片名:《读心人 第四季》原名:duxinrendisiji,又名:暂无;上映年份:2013年;语言地区:英语加拿大地区;状态:已完结;豆瓣平均分:3.0

正在播放:私人影视读心人 第四季第01集| 播放器:快速高清 | 播放清晰度:超清 | 播放速度:流畅 | 版本为:全集未删减完整版 | 欧美剧《读心人 第四季》剧情:讲述了  Toby's personal life also heats up as his relationship grows with crime reporter Tia Tremblay, who is inexplicably the one person he can't read. Life will be no less dramatic for Toby's colleagues as Sgt. Michelle McCluskey struggles through a complicated marriage with her husband, while IIB head Alvin Klein  attempts to protect himself and his team from the political manoeuvrings of the ambitious new police superintendent, Nichola Martell. Meanwhile, new director of emergency services Oz Bey realizes that being the boss is harder than he expected.


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